Motorola Sl1m

Motorola Sl1m

The Motorola SL1M provides reliable push-to-talk communication for the mobile, everyday user in an ultra-slim and rugged profile. Whether you’re coordinating an event or working in the field, the SL1M is boldly designed to keep you efficiently connected.

The latest technology works to make operation of the SL1M simple and straightforward. Ergonomic design allows one-handed radio operation, and a versatile accessory portfolio gives you the freedom to focus on the job at hand.

The SL1M is compatible with the MOTOTRBO features you’ll find are business-essential, for example a transmission can be interrupted to prioritize critical communications. Additionally, the SL1M utilizes digital and analog radio technology concurrently to fit seamlessly into your existing communication system.



Motorola Sl1m

Display Display
Channel Capacity 256
Typical RF Output
Low Power Output
High Power Output Analog Digital
1W, 2W, 3W with Range Max technology
Frequency 136-174 MHz 403-470 MHz
Dimensions(H x W x L) 4.95 X 2.17 x 0.87 in(125.7 X 55.0 X 22.0 mm)
Weight with Battery 5.76 oz/ 163.4 g
Power Supply 3.7V (Nominal)
Battery Life [Li-Ion (2300mAh) Battery]Analog (hours)Digital (hours) 11.8*14*
FCC Description AZ489FT3835 AZ489FT4922
IC Description 109U-89FT3835 109U-89FT4922
Frequency 136-174 MHz 403-470 MHz
Channel Spacing 12.5 kHz / 25 kHz
Frequency Stability(-30°C, +60°C, +25°C Ref) ± 0.5 ppm
Analog Sensitivity(12 dB SINAD) 0.3 uV0.22 uV (typical)
Digital Sensitivity(5% BER) 0.25 uV0.19 uV (typical)
Intermodulation (TIA603D) 70dB
Adjacent Channel Selectivity(TIA603D) 45 dB @ 12.5 kHz70 dB @ 25 kHz
Spurious Rejection (TIA603D) 70 dB
Rated Audio 0.5 W (Internal)
Audio Distortion @ Rated Audio 5% (3% typical)
Hum and Noise -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz-45 dB @ 25 kHz
Audio Response TIA603D
Conducted Spurious Emissions(TIA603D) -57 dBm

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