HT Icom V86

HT Icom V86

HT Icom V86

7 W output power plus new antenna provides 1.5 times* more
* Approximately, compared to 5.5 W radio (IC-V80). Wide open space. Communication range may differ
depending on operating environment or weather conditions, etc. 7 W output power is only for the IC-V86.



Frequency : VHF ( 136-174 MHz )
Memory Channel : 128 Channel
Operating Temp. range : ””30 ”C to +60 ”C (Radio only)
Power Supply : 7.5 V DC
Output Power : 5.5/ 2.0/ 1.0 Watt (Hi/L2/L1)
Baterai : 7.4V/1130mAh; Daya tahan 10 Jam
Dimensi : 52.2 111.8 22.3 mm (dengan baterai BP-278)
Berat : 230 g (dengan baterai BP-278)

Termasuk Dalam Pembelian :
(Semua Accesories Asli Original resmi ICOM)
– 1 HT Icom V86 VHF
– 1 Antena VHF
– 1 Baterai Lithium (BP-278)
– 1 Unit Desktop Charger (BC-213)
– 1 Belt clip (MB-133)
– Kartu Garansi
– Manual Book

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